Principles of Transparency

1. Webiste

Aim & Scope

2. Name of journal

Proceedings International

3. Peer review process

click here for details

4. Ownership and management

AMG Transcend Association, Romania

5. Governing body

Editorial board members

6. Editorial team/contact information

Editorial board members

Contact info

7. Copyright and licensing

by the authors; open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (

8. Author fees

Platinum open access means permanent and free access to published scientific works for readers with no publication fees for the authors – 100% free. All articles are published under the most flexible reuse standard – the CC BY license.

Authors are not charged article processing fees or publication fees – no fees whatsoever. Importantly, authors retain copyright of their work and allow it to be shared and reused, provided that it is correctly cited.

Readers anywhere in the world may download, share or use the work, free of charge.

Who funds this?

All article publication costs for articles published in Biomedical Engineering International is completely funded by the AMG Transcend Association, an independent, non-profit foundation based in Romania. The AMG Transcend Association supports the advancement of scientific communication and information exchange, driven by the belief that scientific knowledge is a social good and should be available without barriers. The platinum open access platform of the AMG Transcend Association maximizes the potential for exchanging ideas and provides a valuable contribution to those with limited financial means by leveling the playing field and giving everyone an equal chance to publish and read scientific publications of high quality.

9. Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct

The publisher and editors follow COPE’s guidelines

10. Publication Ethics

click here for details

11. Publishing schedule

6 issues per year, as follow: 15th February, 15th April, 15th June, 15th August, 15th October, 15th December

For 2019, we will have 2 issues, 15th October, 15th December, this because the journal was launched on 1st September 2019.

12. Access

Platinum open access means permanent and free access to published scientific works for readers with no publication fees for the authors – 100% free. All articles are published under the most flexible reuse standard – the CC BY license.

13. Archiving

Electronic backup and preservation of access will be offered by an international digital presevation such as CLOOCKS or PUBMED or SCILIT in the near future.

14. Revenue sources

donations and sponsorship

15. Advertising

not applicable

16. Direct marketing

not applicable