Editor in Chief

Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu
Affiliation: Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
Research interests: nano and biomaterials, drug delivery and targeting, antimicrobial thin coatings, antimicrobial nanoparticles.
Editorial Board Members

Chandra Babu Naidu
Affiliation: Department of Physics, GITAM (Deemed To Be) University, Bangalore, India
Research interests: Ceramic titanates, thin films, ferrites, nanomaterials, composites, glasses, and polymers.
Aurel Popa-Wagner
Affiliation: Griffith University School of Medicine, QLD, Queensland Eye Institute, Gold Coast Campus, Australia
Research interests: Genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying brain aging and aged brain-associated diseases such as stroke
Section Editorial Board Members
Apply for this position (please submit your CV, Hirsch Index – mandatory > 10, a recent photo and your research interest, and please state suitable section)
Acoustics covers resources on the study of the generation, control,
transmission, reception, and effects of sounds. Relevant subjects include
linear and nonlinear acoustics; atmospheric sound; underwater sound; the
effects of mechanical vibrations; architectural acoustics; audio engineering;
audiology; and ultrasound applications.
Agricultural Economics & Policy
Agricultural Economics & Policy covers resources concerning the production,
distribution, and consumption of agricultural commodities as well as the
managerial and policy decisions concerning these commodities.
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Engineering covers resources concerning many engineering
applications in agriculture, including the design of machines, equipment, and
buildings; soil and water engineering; irrigation and drainage engineering;
crop harvesting, processing, and storage; animal production technology,
housing, and equipment; precision agriculture; post-harvest processing and
technology; rural development; agricultural mechanization; horticultural
engineering; greenhouse structures and engineering, bioenergy and aquacultural
Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science
Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science covers resources on the selection,
breeding and management of livestock, including animal science, animal
nutrition, poultry science, animal breeding and genetics, dairy science, and
animal production science.
Agriculture, Multidisciplinary
Agriculture, Multidisciplinary covers resources having a general or
interdisciplinary approach to the agricultural sciences. Regional and
multi-subject resources are also covered.
Agronomy covers resources on the selection, breeding, management, and
post-harvest treatment of crops including crop protection and science, seed
science, plant nutrition, plant and soil science, soil management and tillage,
weed science, agroforestry, agroclimatology, and agricultural water management.
Allergy covers resources dealing with the full spectrum of
immunologically-mediated hypersensitivity reactions including immediate or
acute hypersensitivity, dermatitis, and asthma. This category also covers
resources on the underlying cellular and molecular immunology specific to
allergic reactivity, pathogenesis, tissue damage, clinical presentation, and
modes of treatment.
Anatomy & Morphology
Anatomy & Morphology includes resources describing the characteristics,
generation, and organization of structure in vertebrates or invertebrates.
Topics cover embryology, developmental morphology, and functional anatomy, as
well as specific structures, systems, or organisms. Resources on plant
structure and embryology are placed preferentially in the PLANT SCIENCE
Andrology includes resources focused on the development, function, and
disorders of male morphology and reproductive systems. Topics include gonad
formation, gamete generation and function, male reproductive health and
endocrinology, and sex determination in the male embryo.
Anesthesiology covers resources that focus on the administration of
anesthetics, the treatment of pain, and the use of life support systems. This
category also includes specific resources on cardiovascular anesthesia,
pediatric anesthesia, and neurosurgical anesthesia.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Astronomy & Astrophysics covers resources that focus on the science of the
celestial bodies and their magnitudes, motions, and constitution. Topics
include the properties of celestial bodies such as luminosity, size, mass,
density, temperature, and chemical composition, as well as their origin and
evolution. This category includes some resources on planetary science that
focus on astrophysical aspects of planets. General resources on planetary
science are placed in the GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS category.
Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology
Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology covers resources on the basic science
and clinical research aspects of speech, language, communication and hearing
disorders. This category will also cover all areas of audiology as well as
clinical management (diagnosis, prevention and treatment) of the above
Automation & Control Systems
Automation & Control Systems covers resources on the design and development
of processes and systems that minimize the necessity of human intervention.
Resources in this category cover control theory, control engineering, and
laboratory and manufacturing automation.
Behavioral Sciences
Behavioral Sciences covers resources dealing with the biological correlates of
observable action in humans or animals. These include aggression, sexual
behavior, and learning as well as the various factors, natural or
pharmacological, that alter such behaviors. Resources in this category cover
neurobiology, experimental psychology, ethology, cognitive assessment, and
behavioral consequences of neurological disorders.
Biochemical Research Methods
Biochemical Research Methods includes resources that describe specific
techniques used in biological and biochemical research, including methods for
the purification and analysis of biomolecules, the observation of the structure
or function of living organisms and tissues (exclusive of microscopy), and the
alteration of biomolecules for specific research applications. This category
does not cover clinical applications or the development and design of
diagnostic tools.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology covers resources on general biochemistry
and molecular biology topics such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic
acids, genes, drugs, toxic substances, and other chemical or molecular
constituents of cells, microbes, and higher plants and animals, including
Excluded are resources that are focus on biochemistry in cells, tissues or
organs and those whose primary focus is the organism of study, e.g. plants,
microbes, etc. Excluded, also, are resources that focus on methods in
biochemistry or molecular biology.
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation covers resources on the conservation management of
species and ecosystems. Topics include conservation ecology, biological
conservation, paleobiology, natural history and the natural sciences.
The Biology category includes resources having a broad or interdisciplinary
approach to biology. In addition, it includes materials that cover a specific
area of biology not covered in other categories such as theoretical biology,
mathematical biology, thermal biology, cryobiology, and biological rhythm
Biophysics covers resources that focus on the transfer and effects of physical
forces and energy-light, sound, electricity, magnetism, heat, cold, pressure,
mechanical forces, and radiation-within and on cells, tissues, and whole
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology includes resources that cover a broad
range of topics on the manipulation of living organisms to make products or
solve problems to meet human needs. Topics include genetic engineering;
molecular diagnostic and therapeutic techniques; genome data mining;
bioprocessing of food and drugs; biological control of pests; environmental
bioremediation; and bio-energy production. This category also covers resources
that deal with the related social, business, and regulatory issues.
Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems covers resources dealing with the
diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Coverage focuses on cardiac disease
prevention, pharmacology, surgery, transplantation, and research. This category
also includes cardiac testing, pacemakers, and medical devices. Resources
focusing on circulation, hypertension, arterial disease, and stroke are placed
Cell Biology
Cell Biology includes resources on all aspects of the structure and function of
eukaryotic cells. The principle characteristic of resources in this category is
an emphasis on the integration at the cellular level of biochemical, molecular,
genetic, physiological, and pathological information. This category considers
material on specific tissues, differentiated as well as embryonic.
Cell & Tissue Engineering
Cell & Tissue Engineering covers resources that apply technology to the
chemical, mechanical, and electrical alteration or preparation of cells and
tissues. Cell regions that can be redesigned and manipulated include: the
membrane, receptors, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, genes, and matrix. Resources in
this category span a range of technologies including: engineering regeneration
of nerve, adipose or endothelial tissue; developing various types of engineered
stem cells; and biomechanical aspects of engineered tissue/cells. This category
does not include resources on clinical interventions.
Chemistry, Analytical
Chemistry, Analytical covers resources on the techniques that yield any type of
information about chemical systems. Topics include chromatography, thermal
analysis, chemometrics, separation techniques, pyrolysis, and electroanalytical
and radioanalytical chemistry. Some spectroscopy resources may be included in
this category when focusing on analytical techniques and applications in
Chemistry, Applied
Chemistry, Applied covers resources that report on the application of basic
chemical sciences to other sciences, engineering, and industry. Topics include
chemical engineering (catalysis, fuel processing, microencapsulation, and
functional polymers); food science and technology (cereals, hydrocolloids, and
food additives); medicinal chemistry (pharmacology); dyes and pigments;
coatings technology; and cosmetics.
Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear includes resources on both inorganic and
nuclear chemistry. Chemistry, Inorganic covers resources that are concerned
with non-carbon elements and the preparation, properties, and reactions of
their compounds. It also includes resources on the study of certain simple
carbon compounds, including the oxides, carbon disulfide, the halides, hydrogen
cyanide, and salts, such as the cyanides, cyanates, carbonates, and
hydrogencarbonates. Resources on coordination chemistry and organo-metallic
compounds (those containing a carbon-metal bond) are also covered in this
category. Chemistry, Nuclear includes resources on the study of the atomic
nucleus, including fission and fusion reactions and their products. This
category also covers radiochemistry resources focusing on such topics as the
preparation of radioactive compounds, the separation of isotopes by chemical
reactions, the use of radioactive labels in studies of mechanisms, and
experiments on the chemical reactions and compounds of transuranic elements.
Chemistry, Medicinal
Chemistry, Medicinal includes resources emphasizing the isolation and study of
substances with therapeutic potential. Topics of interest are quantitative
structure-function relationships, structural characterization and organic
syntheses of naturally occurring compounds, and chemical and analytical
techniques used in rational drug design. See also the PHARMACOLOGY &
PHARMACY category.
Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Chemistry, Multidisciplinary includes resources having a general or
interdisciplinary approach to the chemical sciences. Special topic chemistry
resources that have relevance to many areas of chemistry are also included in
this category. Resources having a primary focus on analytical, inorganic and
nuclear, organic, physical, or polymer chemistry are placed in their own
Chemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Organic includes resources that focus on synthetic and natural
organic compounds their synthesis, structure, properties, and reactivity.
Research on hydrocarbons, a major area of organic chemistry, is included in
this category.
Chemistry, Physical
Chemistry, Physical includes resources on photochemistry, solid state
chemistry, kinetics, catalysis, quantum chemistry, surface chemistry,
electrochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, thermophysics, colloids, fullerenes,
and zeolites.
Clinical Neurology
Clinical Neurology covers resources on all areas of clinical research and
medical practice in neurology. The focus is on traditional neurological
illnesses and diseases such as dementia, stroke, epilepsy, headache, multiple
sclerosis, and movement disorders that have clinical and socio-economic
importance. This category also includes resources on medical specialties such
as pediatric neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, pain management, and
neuropsychiatry that affect neurological diagnosis and treatment.
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence covers resources that focus on
research and techniques to create machines that attempt to efficiently reason,
problem-solve, use knowledge representation, and perform analysis of
contradictory or ambiguous information. This category includes resources on
artificial intelligence technologies such as expert systems, fuzzy systems,
natural language processing, speech recognition, pattern recognition, computer
vision, decision-support systems, knowledge bases, and neural networks.
Computer Science, Cybernetics
Computer Science, Cybernetics includes resources that focus on the control and
information flows within and between artificial (machine) and biological
systems. Resources in this category draw from the fields of artificial
intelligence, automatic control, and robotics.
Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture covers resources on the physical
components of a computer system: main and logic boards, internal buses and
interfaces, static and dynamic memory, storage devices and storage media, power
supplies, input and output devices, networking interfaces, and networking
hardware such as routers and bridges. Resources in this category also cover the
architecture of computing devices, such as SPARC, RISC, and CISC designs, as
well as scalable, parallel, and multi-processor computing architectures.
Computer Science, Information Systems
Computer Science, Information Systems covers resources that focus on the
acquisition, processing, storage, management, and dissemination of electronic
information that can be read by humans, machines, or both. This category also
includes resources for telecommunications systems and discipline-specific
subjects such as medical informatics, chemical information processing systems,
geographical information systems, and some library science.
Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications includes resources concerned
with the application of computer technology and methodology to other
disciplines, such as information management, engineering, biology, medicine,
environmental studies, geosciences, arts and humanities, agriculture,
chemistry, and physics.
Computer Science, Software Engineering
Computer Science, Software Engineering includes resources that are concerned
with the programs, routines, and symbolic languages that control the
functioning of the hardware and direct its operation. Also covered in this
category are computer graphics, digital signal processing, and programming languages.
Computer Science, Theory & Methods
Computer Science, Theory & Methods includes resources that emphasize
experimental computer processing methods or programming techniques such as
parallel computing, distributed computing, logic programming, object-oriented
programming, high-speed computing, and supercomputing.
Construction & Building Technology
Construction & Building Technology includes resources that provide
information on the physical features and design of structures (e.g., buildings,
dams, bridges, tunnels) and the materials used to construct them (concrete,
cement, steel). Other topics covered in this category include heating and air
conditioning, energy systems, and indoor air quality.
Critical Care Medicine
Critical Care Medicine covers resources on healthcare specialties that focus on
the care of patients with acute, life-threatening illness or injury. This
category covers resources such as heart attack; poisoning; burns, pneumonia;
surgical complications; premature birth; trauma including head trauma; stroke,
and other neural injuries; intensive care anesthesia; and resuscitation.
Crystallography covers resources that report on the study of the formation,
structure, and properties of crystals. This category also includes resources on
X-ray crystallography, the study of the internal structure of crystals through
the use of X-ray diffraction.
Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine
Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine covers resources on the anatomy,
physiology, biochemistry, and pathology of the teeth and oral cavity. This
category includes specific resources on periodontal disease, dental implants,
oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral pathology, and oral surgery. Coverage also
includes resources on community dentistry, public health dentistry, and
pediatric dentistry.
Dermatology covers resources on the
anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the skin. It contains resources on
investigative and experimental dermatology, contact dermatitis, dermatologic
surgery, dermatologic pathology, and dermatologic oncology. This category also
includes specific resources on burns, wounds and leprosy.
Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology includes resources focused on the specific mechanisms of
cell, tissue, and organism development, as well as gametogenesis,
fertilization, biochemistry and molecular genetic control of development, cell
biology of gametes and zygotes, and embryology.
Ecology covers resources concerning many areas relating to the study of the
interrelationship of organisms and their environments, including ecological
economics, ecological engineering, ecotoxicology, ecological modeling,
evolutionary ecology, biogeography, chemical ecology, marine ecology, wildlife
research, microbial ecology, molecular ecology, and population ecology. This
category also includes general ecology resources and ones devoted to particular
ecological systems.
Education, Scientific Disciplines
Education, Scientific Disciplines covers all education resources in the
scientific disciplines, including biology, pharmacy, biochemistry, engineering,
chemistry, nutrition, and medicine.
Electrochemistry covers resources that deal with the chemical changes produced
by electricity and the generation of electricity by chemical reactions.
Applications include dry cells, lead plate, storage batteries, electroplating,
electrodeposition (electrolysis), purification of copper, production of
aluminum, fuel cells, and corrosion of metals.
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine covers resources on the science, education, and clinical
practice of emergency medicine. Coverage spans the breadth of the specialty on
trauma, pediatrics, toxicology, injury prevention and control, resuscitation,
and emergency medical services.
Endocrinology & Metabolism
Endocrinology & Metabolism includes resources focused on endocrine glands;
the regulation of cell, organ, and system function by the action of secreted
hormones; the generation and chemical/biological properties of these
substances; and the pathogenesis and treatment of disorders associated with
either source or target organs. Specific areas covered include
neuroendocrinology, reproductive endocrinology, pancreatic hormones and
diabetes, regulation of bone formation and loss, and control of growth.
Energy & Fuels
Energy & Fuels covers resources on the development, production, use,
application, conversion, and management of nonrenewable (combustible) fuels
(such as wood, coal, petroleum, and gas) and renewable energy sources (solar,
wind, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric). Note: Resources dealing with nuclear
energy and nuclear technology appear in the NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Engineering, Aerospace
Engineering, Aerospace includes resources concerned with astronautics,
aeronautics, aerospace, and aviation. Topics covered include the design and
construction of aircraft, space vehicles, missiles, satellites,
instrumentation, and power units, as well as the launch, flight, and guidance
of crafts in the earth’s atmosphere or in space. Resources in this category
draw from many fields, including mechanics and mechanical engineering,
automation, instrumentation, and materials science.
Engineering, Biomedical
Engineering, Biomedical covers resources that apply engineering technology to
solving medical problems. Resources in this category span a wide range of
applications including applied biomechanics, biorheology, medical imaging,
medical monitoring equipment, artificial organs, and implanted materials and
Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Chemical covers resources that discuss the chemical conversion of
raw materials into a variety of products. This category includes resources that
deal with the design and operation of efficient and cost-effective plants and
equipment for the production of the various end products.
Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Civil includes resources on the planning, design, construction,
and maintenance of fixed structures and ground facilities for industry,
occupancy, transportation, use and control of water, and harbor facilities.
Resources also may cover the sub-fields of structural engineering, geotechnics,
earthquake engineering, ocean engineering, water resources and supply, marine
engineering, transportation engineering, and municipal engineering.
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic covers resources that deal with the
applications of electricity, generally those involving current flows through
conductors, as in motors and generators. This category also includes resources
that cover the conduction of electricity through gases or a vacuum as well as
through semiconducting and superconducting materials. Other relevant topics in
this category include image and signal processing, electromagnetics, electronic
components and materials, microwave technology, and microelectronics.
Engineering, Environmental
Engineering, Environmental includes resources that discuss the effects of human
beings on the environment and the development of controls to minimize environmental
degradation. Relevant topics in this category include water and air pollution
control, hazardous waste management, land reclamation, pollution prevention,
bioremediation, incineration, management of sludge problems, landfill and waste
repository design and construction, facility decommissioning, and environmental
policy and compliance.
Engineering, Geological
Engineering, Geological includes multidisciplinary resources that encompass the
knowledge and experience drawn from both the geosciences and various
engineering disciplines (primarily civil engineering). Resources in this
category cover geotechnical engineering, geotechnics, geotechnology, soil
dynamics, earthquake engineering, geotextiles and geomembranes, engineering
geology, and rock mechanics.
Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, Industrial includes resources that focus on engineering systems
that integrate people, materials, capital, and equipment to provide products
and services. Relevant topics covered in the category include operations
research, process engineering, productivity engineering, manufacturing,
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), industrial economics, and design
Engineering, Manufacturing
Engineering, Manufacturing covers resources on the conversion of raw materials
into end-use products or processed materials. Topics in this category include
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), computer-aided design (CAD), and
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM); design of products, tools, and machines;
quality control; scheduling; production; and inventory control.
Engineering, Marine
Engineering, Marine includes resources that focus on the environmental and
physical constraints an engineer must consider in the design, construction,
navigation, and propulsion of ships and other sea vessels.
Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Mechanical includes resources on the generation, transmission, and
use of heat and mechanical power, as well as with the production and operation
of tools, machinery, and their products. Topics in this category include heat
transfer and thermodynamics, fatigue and fracture, wear, tribology, energy
conversion, hydraulics, pneumatics, microelectronics, plasticity, strain analysis,
and aerosol technology.
Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Engineering, Multidisciplinary covers resources having a general or
interdisciplinary approach to engineering. Relevant topics include computer
science and mathematics in engineering, engineering education, reliability
studies, and audio engineering.
Engineering, Ocean
Engineering, Ocean includes resources concerned with the development of
equipment and techniques that allow humans to operate successfully beneath and
on the surface of the ocean in order to develop and utilize marine resources.
Engineering, Petroleum
Engineering, Petroleum covers resources that report on a combination of
engineering concepts, methods, and techniques on drilling and extracting
hydrocarbons and other fluids from the earth (e.g., chemical flooding, thermal
flooding, miscible displacement techniques, and horizontal drilling) and on the
refining process. Relevant topics in this category include drilling
engineering, production engineering, reservoir engineering, and formation
evaluation, which infers reservoir properties through indirect measurements.
Entomology covers resources concerning many aspects of the study of insects,
including general entomology, applied entomology, regional entomology,
apidology, aquatic insects, insect biochemistry and physiology, economic
entomology, integrated pest management, environmental entomology, and pesticide
Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sciences covers resources concerning many aspects of the study of
the environment, among them environmental contamination and toxicology,
environmental health, environmental monitoring, environmental geology, and
environmental management. This category also includes soil science and
conservation, water resources research and engineering and climate change.
Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary Biology covers resources concerning the molecular, natural
selection, and population mechanisms of evolution; the evolution of species and
related groups; the classification of organisms based on evolutionary
relationships; and the biology and ecology of extinct organisms.
Fisheries covers resources concerning numerous aspects of fisheries science,
technology and industry, including fish pathology, fish physiology and
biochemistry, fish diseases and aquaculture.
Food Science & Technology
Food Science & Technology covers resources concerning various aspects of
food research and production, including food additives and contaminants, food
chemistry and biochemistry, meat science, food microbiology and technology,
dairy science, food engineering and processing, cereal science, brewing, and
food quality and safety.
Forestry covers resources concerning the science and technology involved in
establishing, maintaining and managing forests for various uses, including wood
production, water resource management, wildlife conservation and recreation.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Gastroenterology & Hepatology covers resources on the anatomy, physiology,
biochemistry, and pathology of the digestive system. This category includes
specific resources on the prognosis and treatment of digestive diseases;
stomach ulcers; metabolic, genetic, infectious and chemically induced diseases
of the liver; colitis; diseases of the pancreas and diseases of the rectum.
Genetics & Heredity
Genetics & Heredity includes resources that deal with the structure,
functions, and properties of genes, and the characteristics of inheritance.
This category also considers heritable traits, population genetics, frequency
and distribution of polymorphism, as well as inherited diseases and disorders
of the replicative process. The category is distinguishable from Biochemistry
& Molecular Biology by its specific emphasis on the gene as a single
functional unit, and on the gene’s effect on the organism as a whole.
Geochemistry & Geophysics
Resources in this category may focus on either Geochemistry or Geophysics or
both. Geochemistry covers resources that deal with the chemical composition and
chemical changes in the Earth or other planets or asteroids. Topics include
research on related chemical and geological properties of substances, applied
geochemistry, organic geochemistry, and biogeochemistry. Geophysics covers
resources on the application of the methods and techniques of physics to the
study of the structure of the Earth and the processes affecting it. Topics
addressed include seismology, tectonics, tectonophysics, geomagnetism,
radioactivity, and rock mechanics.
Geography, Physical
Geography, Physical covers resources dealing with the differentiation of areas
of the Earth’s surface as shown in the character, arrangement, and
interrelations over the world of such elements as climate, elevation, soil,
vegetation, population, land use, industries, or states, as well as the unit
areas formed by the complex of these individual elements. Resources which focus
on economic, human, and urban topics are covered in the SSCI GEOGRAPHY
Geology covers resources that deal with the physical history of the Earth, the
rock of which it is composed, and the physical changes (not the physics) that
the Earth has undergone or is undergoing. Resources in this category cover
sedimentology, stratigraphy, hydrogeology, ore geology, structural geology,
regional geology, and petrology. These resources are somewhat narrow in scope
and are not given to the interdisciplinary study of the Earth Sciences.
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary covers resources having a general or
interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Earth and other planets.
Relevant topics include geology, geochemistry/geophysics, hydrology,
paleontology, oceanography, meteorology, mineralogy, geography, and energy and
fuels. Resources having a primary focus on geology, or geochemistry &
geophysics are placed in their own categories.
Geriatrics & Gerontology
Geriatrics & Gerontology covers resources on the aged and the aging
process. This category includes the clinical, biochemical, histological, and
psychological aspects of aging. Coverage also includes specific clinical
problems in the treatment of elderly patients, as well as research on the
cellular and animal correlates of age and senescence. Resources that focus on
the psychological, social, and political aspects of aging are covered in the
Health Care Sciences & Services
Health Care Sciences & Services covers resources on health services,
hospital administration, health care management, health care financing, health
policy and planning, health economics, health education, history of medicine,
and palliative care.
Hematology covers resources that deal with blood and blood-forming tissues, as
well as the functions, diseases, and treatments of these systems. Topics
included are hemophilia, neoplastic disorders of the blood or lymphoid tissues,
and mechanisms and disorders of thrombosis.
History & Philosophy of Science
History & Philosophy of Science covers resources on the historical and
logical connections in the development of the scientific method and in
scientific discoveries.
Horticulture covers resources concerning the cultivation of flowers, fruits,
vegetables or ornamental plants, in gardens, orchards or nurseries.
Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
Imaging Science & Photographic Technology includes resources that cover
pattern recognition, analog and digital signal processing, remote sensing, and
optical technology. This category also covers resources on the photographic
process (the engineering of photographic devices and the chemistry of
photography) as well as machine-aided imaging, recording materials and media,
and visual communication and image representation.
Immunology covers resources dedicated to all aspects of immune response and
regulation, at the cellular-molecular level as well as the clinical level.
Other topics include studies of the interaction between pathogens and host
immunity, as well as clinical immunology, emerging immunotherapies, and the
immunologic contribution to disease course.
Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases covers resources on all aspects of the pathogenesis of
clinically significant viral or bacterial diseases including HIV, AIDS, sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs). This category is also concerned with resources on
host-pathogen interactions, as well as the prevention, diagnosis, treatment,
and epidemiology of infectious disease.
Instruments & Instrumentation
Instruments & Instrumentation includes resources on the application of
instruments for observation, measurement, or control of physical and/or
chemical systems. This category also includes materials on the development and
manufacture of instruments.
Integrative & Complementary Medicine
Integrative & Complementary Medicine covers resources on the practical use
of allopathic, alternative and/or complementary medicine and therapies in
preventing and treating disease, healing illness, and promoting health. The
category is concerned with resources on alternative systems of practice that
provide for an overall rational and comprehensive approach to healthcare.
Topics such as bioelectromagnetics applications; herbal medicine; diet,
nutrition and lifestyle changes; manual healing methods; mind/body interventions;
and pharmacological and biological treatment as well as any other
unconventional health care practices are included in this category.
Limnology covers resources concerning the study of the physical, chemical,
meteorological, biological and ecological aspects of freshwaters.
Logic covers resources on the study of logic in all its forms, including
mathematical logic (pure and applied), philosophical logic and computational
logic (or logic in computer science, theoretical and applied). Based on the
particular scope of the resource, it may be cross-referenced in a Mathematics,
Philosophy or Computer Science category.
Marine & Freshwater Biology
Marine & Freshwater Biology covers resources concerning many aquatic
sciences, including marine ecology and environmental research, aquatic biology,
marine pollution and toxicology, aquatic botany and plant management, estuarine
and coastal research, diseases of aquatic organisms, molluscan and shellfish
research, fish biology and biofouling.
Materials Science, Biomaterials
Materials Science, Biomaterials includes resources that analyze the physical
characteristics of living tissue to aid in the development of synthetic
replacements for repairs or augmentation of functions. Resources in this
category cover the development, testing, performance, and biocompatibility of
engineered biomaterials in vitro and in vivo for purposes such as medical
implants, devices, and sensors.
Materials Science, Ceramics
Materials Science, Ceramics covers resources that deal with inorganic materials
with high-temperature melting points, including silicates and aluminosilicates,
refractory metal oxides and metal nitrides, and borides. This category also
includes resources discussing products such as earthenware, porcelain, brick,
glass, and vitreous enamels.
Materials Science, Characterization & Testing
Materials Science, Characterization & Testing covers resources that focus
on techniques used to evaluate and test materials. These techniques include
nondestructive testing, diffraction analysis, electron microscopy, electron
spectroscopy, ion beam analysis, mechanical testing, optical characterization,
and scanning tunneling microscopy.
Materials Science, Coatings & Films
Materials Science, Coatings & Films covers resources that concentrate on
research in coatings and films applied to a base material (substrate). Metals,
alloys, resin solutions, and solid/liquid suspensions are the coatings most
commonly used in industry. Application methods include electrolysis, vapor
deposition, vacuum, or mechanical means such as spraying, calendering, roller
coating, extrusion, or thermosetting.
Materials Science, Composites
Materials Science, Composites covers resources that focus on mixtures or
mechanical combinations of two or more materials that are solid in the finished
state, are mutually insoluble, and differ in chemical nature. The major types
of composites are 1) laminates of paper, fabric, or wood and a thermosetting
material; 2) reinforced plastics; 3) cermets (ceramic and metal powders); 4)
fabrics of natural and synthetic fibers; and 5) filled composites, in which a
bonding material is loaded with filler in the form of flakes or small
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary covers resources having a general or
multidisciplinary approach to the study of the nature, behavior, and use of
materials. Relevant topics include ceramics, composites, alloys, metals and
metallurgy, nanotechnology, nuclear materials, and adhesion and adhesives.
Materials Science, Paper & Wood
Materials Science, Paper & Wood includes resources that cover all aspects
of wood and/or paper production. Topics include cellulose chemistry and
technology, pulp and paper science, paper fabrication techniques, and wood and
fiber science and technology.
Materials Science, Textiles
Materials Science, Textiles covers resources that focus on the manufacture of
clothing and furniture from materials made of natural fibers (e.g., leather,
cotton, wool, wood) and/or synthetic fibers (e.g., polyester, vinyl, nylon).
Resources covering dyes and colors and fiber chemistry are also included.
Mathematical & Computational Biology
Mathematical and Computational Biology includes resources concerning the use of
mathematical, statistical and computational methods to address data analysis,
modeling, and information management in biological problems, processes and
systems. Among the areas covered are biostatistics, bioinformatics, biometrics,
modeling of biological systems, and computational biology.
Mathematics covers resources having a broad, general approach to the field. The
category also includes resources focusing on specific fields of basic research
in Mathematics such as topology, algebra, functional analysis, combinatorial
theory, differential geometry and number theory.
Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Applied covers resources concerned with areas of mathematics that
may be applied to other fields of science. It includes areas such as
differential equations, numerical analysis, nonlinearity, control, software,
systems analysis, computational mathematics and mathematical modeling.
Resources that are concerned with mathematical methods and whose primary focus
is on a specific non-mathematics discipline (except biology) such as
psychology, history, economics etc., are covered in the MATHEMATICS,
INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS category. Resources focusing on mathematical
biology are covered in the MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY category.
Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications
Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications includes resources concerned with
mathematical methods whose primary focus is on a specific non-mathematics
discipline (except biology) such as psychology, history, economics, etc.
Resources that deal with mathematical biology are covered in the MATHEMATICAL
AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY category. Resources that focus on specific
mathematical topics such as differential equations, numerical analysis, nonlinearity,
etc., are covered in the MATHEMATICS, APPLIED category.
Mechanics includes resources that cover the study of the behavior of physical
systems under the action of forces. Relevant topics in this category include
fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, gas mechanics, mathematical modeling (chaos
and fractals, finite element analysis), thermal engineering, fracture
mechanics, heat and mass flow and transfer, phase equilibria studies,
plasticity, adhesion, rheology, gravity effects, vibration effects, and wave
motion analysis.
Medical Ethics
Medical Ethics covers resources on all aspects of ethics in health care and
Medical Informatics
Medical Informatics covers resources on health care information in clinical
studies and medical research. This category includes resources on the
evaluation, assessment, and use of health care technology, its consequences for
patients, and its impact on society.
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Laboratory Technology covers resources on the testing, methods, and
equipment used in clinical, medical, hospital, and pathology laboratories,
including clinical chemistry and biochemical analysis of laboratory samples.
Resources on the development and refinement of the diagnostic technologies used
in these laboratories are also covered.
Medicine, General & Internal
Medicine, General & Internal covers resources on medical specialties such
as general medicine, internal medicine, clinical physiology, pain management,
military and hospital medicine. Resources focusing on family medicine and
primary health care services are placed in the Primary Health Care category.
Medicine, Legal
Medicine, Legal covers resources on all aspects of medical legal issues,
including government regulations and policies, malpractice, toxicological and
pharmacological regulations, clinical therapeutic patents and other critical
legal issues at the interface of law, medicine, and healthcare. The category
also covers resources dealing with the various branches of forensic science.
Medicine, Research & Experimental
Medicine, Research & Experimental includes resources describing general
medical research with a particular emphasis on extremely novel techniques and
clinical interventions in a broad range of medical specializations and
applications, including vaccine development, tissue replacement,
immunotherapies, and other experimental therapeutic strategies. Resources in
this category reflect clinical interventions that are in early stages of
development, using in vitro or animal models, and small-scale clinical trials.
Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering includes resources that cover the
numerous chemical and physical processes used to isolate a metallic element
from its naturally occurring state, refine it, and convert it into a useful
alloy or product. Topics in this category include corrosion prevention and
control, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, phase equilibria,
iron-making, steel-making, oxidation, plating and finishing, powder metallurgy,
and welding.
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences covers those resources that deal with
the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially weather and weather forecasting.
Resources in this category are concerned with the atmosphere’s temperature,
density, winds, clouds, precipitation and other characteristics, as well as the
structure and evolution of the atmosphere in terms of external influences and
the basic laws of physics. This category also includes resources dealing with
Microbiology includes resources dealing with all aspects of fundamental and
applied studies of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This
category also considers resources on the clinical aspects of the occurrence and
treatment of microbial pathogens, basic science studies of microbial
biochemistry and function, environmental microbiology, and bacterial/viral uses
in biotechnology.
Microscopy covers those resources that focus on the interpretative application
of microscope magnification to the study of materials that cannot be seen
properly by the unaided eye. The instruments used in microscopy may be either
optical in nature, or use radiation other than light for making enlarged images
of minute objects (e.g., an electron microscope).
Mineralogy includes resources that deal with the science of minerals, their
crystallography, physical and chemical properties, classification, and the ways
of distinguishing them.
Mining & Mineral Processing
Mining & Mineral Processing includes resources on locating and evaluating
mineral deposits; designing and constructing mines; developing mining
equipment; supervising mining operations and safety; and extracting, cleaning,
sizing, and dressing mined material. Relevant topics in this category include
exploration and mining geology, rock mechanics, geophysics, and mining science
and technology.
Multidisciplinary Sciences
Multidisciplinary Sciences includes resources of a very broad or general
character in the sciences. It covers the spectrum of major scientific
disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, etc. Nature and
Science are the preeminent resources in this category and serve as typical
examples. The Web site of the National Science Foundation is a good example of
a web resource included in this category. Some specialized resources that have
a wide range of applications in the sciences also may fall under this category.
The journal Fractals—Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and
Society would be an example of such a resource.
Mycology includes resources on topics that range from the general biology of
fungi to fungal diseases of humans, animals and plants.
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology includes resources that focus on basic and
applied research at the micro and nano level across a variety of disciplines
including chemistry, biology, bioengineering, physics, electronics, clinical
and medical science, chemical engineering and materials science.
Neuroimaging covers resources on the mapping technologies used to treat,
diagnose, or monitor brain lesions and mental disorders.
Neurosciences covers resources on all areas of basic research on the brain,
neural physiology, and function in health and disease. The areas of focus
include neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, neurochemistry, neural development,
and neural behavior. Coverage also includes resources in neuro-endocrine and
neuro-immune systems, somatosensory system, motor system and sensory motor
integration, autonomic system as well as diseases of the nervous system.
Nuclear Science & Technology
Nuclear Science & Technology covers resources on nuclear energy (fission
and fusion processes), nuclear energy and fuel, nuclear power, and nuclear
electric power generation. This category also includes resources on nuclear
engineering (the branch of technology that applies the nuclear fission process
to power generation), nuclear safety, radiation effects, and radioactive waste
management. Note: Resources on nuclear physics (low-energy physics) appear in
the category PHYSICS, NUCLEAR.
Nursing covers resources on all aspects of nursing science and practice such as
administration, economics, management, education, technological applications
and all clinical care specialties.
Nutrition & Dietetics
Nutrition & Dietetics covers resources concerning many aspects of
nutrition, including general nutrition, nutrition and metabolism, nutrition
science, clinical nutrition, vitamin research and nutritional biochemistry.
Dietetics, the application of nutritional principles, is also included in this
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology covers resources on the medical fields concerned
with female reproductive function and reproductive organs. Obstetrics covers
resources on pregnancy, fetal health, labor, and puerperium. Gynecology covers
resources on the health and diseases of female sex organs and their impact on
women’s overall health. This category also includes resources on fertility,
infertility, and contraception.
Oceanography covers resources concerning the scientific study and exploration of
the oceans and seas in all their aspects, including the delimitation of their
extent and depth, the physics and chemistry of their waters, and the
exploration of their resources.
Oncology covers resources on the mechanisms, causes, and treatments of cancer
including environmental and genetic risk factors, and cellular and molecular
carcinogenesis. Aspects of clinical oncology covered include surgical,
radiological, chemical, and palliative care. This category is also concerned
with resources on cancers of specific systems and organs.
Operations Research & Management Science
Operations Research & Management Science includes resources on the
definition, analysis, and solution of complex problems. Relevant topics in this
category include mathematical modeling, stochastic modeling, decision theory
and systems, optimization theory, logistics, and control theory.
Ophthalmology covers resources on the eye, its diseases, and refractive errors.
Coverage includes research on the cornea, retina, and eye diseases. This
category also includes resources on physiological optics and optometry as well
as reconstructive surgery.
Optics includes resources that deal with the genesis and propagation of light,
the changes that it undergoes and produces, and other phenomena closely
associated with it. Resources in this category cover subject areas such as
lasers and laser technology, infrared physics and technology, microwave
technology, quantum optics, lightwave technology, fiber optics,
opto-electronics, and photonics. Resources on photometry and luminescence are
also included in this category.
Ornithology covers resources concerning many aspects of the study of birds,
including avian biology, field ornithology, avian biochemistry and physiology,
avian systematics and taxonomy, raptor research, bird behavior and migration.
Orthopedics covers resources on surgery and medical appliances as a means to
preserve or restore function or alleviate pain in the musculoskeletal system,
particularly the bones and joints.
Otorhinolaryngology covers resources on basic and clinical research and
medicine of the ears, nose and throat.
Paleontology includes resources that focus on the study of life and physical
conditions, such as climate and geography, of past geological periods as
recorded by fossil remains.
Parasitology covers resources concerning many aspects of the study of
parasites, organisms that live in or on other living organisms, deriving
benefits for themselves and often causing harm to their hosts.
Pathology includes resources specializing in the techniques, causes, and
developmental effect of disease on living tissue. This category also considers
the medical and biomedical applications of histological and cytogenetic
methods, the development and use of novel techniques and diagnostic
applications, and the pathologic study of specific tissues or diseases.
Pediatrics covers resources on basic and clinical research in pediatrics.
Numerous pediatric specialties are covered including, cardiology and
respiratory systems, dentistry, dermatology, developmental behavior,
gastroenterology, hematology, immunology and infectious diseases, neurology,
nutrition, oncology, psychiatry, surgery, tropical medicine, urology, and
nephrology. Coverage also includes perinatology, neonatology, and adolescent
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease covers resources on arterial occlusive disease
(atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries), venous obstruction and
clotting, venous incompetence/insufficiency, cerebrovascular disease,
aneurysms, vasospastic disorders, and other vascular disorders. This category
also covers hypertension, circulation, and stroke. Resources on the diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention of heart diseases are covered in the Cardiac & Cardiovascular
Systems category.
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Pharmacology & Pharmacy covers resources on the discovery and testing of
bioactive substances, including animal research, clinical experience, delivery
systems, and dispensing of drugs. This category also includes resources on the
biochemistry, metabolism, and toxic or adverse effects of drugs.
Physics, Applied
Physics, Applied covers those resources dealing with the applications of condensed
matter, optics, vacuum science, lasers, electronics, cryogenics, magnets and
magnetism, acoustical physics, and mechanics. This category also may include
resources on physics applications to other sciences, engineering, and industry.
Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical
Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical includes resources concerned with the
physics of atoms and molecules. Topics covered in this category include the
structure of atoms and molecules, atomic and molecular interactions with
radiation, magnetic resonances and relaxation, Mossbauer effect, and atomic and
molecular collision processes and interactions.
Physics, Condensed Matter
Physics, Condensed Matter covers resources that deal with the study of the
structure and the thermal, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and optical
properties of condensed matter. Topics covered in this category include
superconductivity, surfaces, interfaces, thin films, dielectrics, ferroelectrics,
and semiconductors. This category also includes resources from the former
category of Solid State Physics as well as resources on condensed fluids.
Physics, Fluids & Plasmas
Physics, Fluids & Plasmas covers resources on the kinetic and transport
theory of fluids, the physical properties of gases, and the physics of plasmas
and electric discharges. This category may include resources on nuclear fusion.
Physics, Mathematical
Physics, Mathematical includes resources that focus on mathematical methods in
physics. It includes resources on logic, set theory, algebra, group theory,
function theory, analysis, geometry, topology, and probability theory that have
applications in physics.
Physics, Multidisciplinary
Physics, Multidisciplinary covers resources having a general or
interdisciplinary approach to physics. This category also includes theoretical
and experimental physics as well as special topics that have relevance to many
areas of physics.
Physics, Nuclear
Physics, Nuclear includes resources on the study of nuclear structure, decay,
radioactivity, reactions, and scattering. Resources in this category focus on
low-energy physics. High-energy physics is covered in the PHYSICS, PARTICLES
& FIELDS category.
Physics, Particles & Fields
Physics, Particles & Fields includes resources on the study of the
structure and properties of elementary particles and resonances and their
interactions. Resources in this category focus on high-energy physics.
Low-energy physics is covered in the PHYSICS, NUCLEAR category.
Physiology includes resources concerned with the normal and pathologic
functioning of living cells, tissues, and organisms. Topics include comparative
physiology, molecular biochemistry of cell function, applied physiology, and
pharmacological intervention in pathophysiological processes.
Plant Sciences
Plant Sciences covers resources concerning many aspects of the study of plants
including systematic, biochemical, agricultural, and pharmaceutical topics.
This category includes materials on higher and lower plants, terrestrial and
aquatic plants, plant cells, entire plants, and plant assemblages.
Polymer Science
Polymer Science includes all resources dealing with the study, production, and
technology of natural or synthetic polymers. Resources on polymeric materials
are also covered in this category.
Primary Health Care
Primary Health Care covers resources on all aspects of family medicine and
primary health care services, including first contact, health assessments,
laboratory and diagnostic procedures, medication management, disease
prevention, early diagnosis and treatment and comprehensive strategies to
improve the health status of individuals and communities.
Psychiatry covers resources on clinical, therapeutic, research, and community
aspects of human mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
Psychology is concerned with resources on the study of human behavior and
mental processes. This category covers the biological and neurological
underpinnings of perception, thought, and behavior; psychological development
and change over the life span; in addition to emotional and mental disturbances
and diseases and their treatment. Resources that report on animal behavior to
illuminate human behavior and mental processes are also covered.
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health covers resources dealing with
epidemiology, hygiene, and health; parasitic diseases and parasitology;
tropical medicine; industrial medicine; occupational medicine; infection
control; and preventive medicine. Also included are resources on environmental
health; cancer causes and control; aviation, aerosol, and wilderness medicine.
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging covers resources on radiation
research in biology and biophysics. Resources in this category focus on
interventional radiology, investigative radiology, neuroradiology,
radiotherapy, and oncology. Nuclear Medicine resources are concerned with the
diagnostic, therapeutic, and investigative use of radionuclides. Medical
Imaging resources are concerned with computerized medical imaging and graphics.
Rehabilitation covers resources on therapy to aid in the recovery or
enhancement of physical, cognitive, or social abilities diminished by birth
defect, disease, injury, or aging.
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing includes resources on the technique of remote observation and of
obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment
through the process of recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic
images and patterns of electromagnetic radiation from space. This category also
covers resources on the applications of remote sensing in environmental,
atmospheric, meteorological, geographic, and geoscientific observations.
Resources on geographic information systems that deal in large part with remote
sensing are also included.
Reproductive Biology
Reproductive Biology includes resources that cover reproduction in humans,
animals, and plants. This category ranges from the molecular biology of
reproduction through reproductive nutrition, immunology, and toxicology.
Respiratory System
Respiratory System covers resources on all aspects of respiratory and lung
diseases, including their relation to cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and
Rheumatology covers resources on clinical, therapeutic, and laboratory research
about arthritis and rheumatism, the chronic degenerative autoimmune
inflammatory diseases that primarily affect joints and connective tissue.
Robotics includes resources that cover the branch of engineering devoted to the
design, training, and application of robots, mechanical devices capable of
performing a variety of manipulation and locomotion tasks. Resources in this
category draw from the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering,
cybernetics, bionics, and artificial intelligence.
Soil Science
Soil Science covers resources concerning many aspects of the formation, nature,
distribution, and utilization of soils including soil biology and fertility,
soil conservation and tillage research, soil contamination and reclamation,
soil biochemistry, and soil chemistry and physics.
Spectroscopy covers resources concerned with the production, measurement, and
interpretation of electromagnetic spectra arising from either emission or
absorption of radiant energy by various sources. This category includes
resources that report on any of several techniques for analyzing the spectra of
beams of particles or for determining mass spectra.
Sport Sciences
Sport Sciences covers resources on the applied physiology of human performance,
physical conditioning for sports participation, optimal nutrition for sports
performance, and the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries and
diseases. This category also includes resources on sport psychology and
Statistics & Probability
Statistics & Probability covers resources concerned with methods of
obtaining, analyzing, summarizing, and interpreting numerical or quantitative
data. Resources on the study of the mathematical structures and constructions
used to analyze the probability of a given set of events from a family of
outcomes are also covered.
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse covers resources on the behavior, education, treatment, and
research of alcohol, drug, and other substances of addiction.
Surgery covers resources on general surgical topics including the different
types of surgery (cardiovascular, neurosurgery, orthopedic, pediatric, or
vascular); allied disciplines of surgery (surgical oncology, pathology, or
radiology); and surgical techniques (arthroscopy, microscopy, or endoscopy).
Telecommunications covers resources on the technical and engineering aspects of
communications over long distances via telephone, television, cable, fiber
optics, radio, computer networks, telegraph, satellites, and so on. Other
relevant topics include electronics, opto-electronics, radar and sonar
navigation, communications systems, microwaves, antennas, and wave propagation.
Thermodynamics includes resources that focus on the areas of physics examining
the transformations of matter and energy in physical and chemical processes,
particularly those processes that involve the transfer of heat and changes in
temperature. Relevant topics in this category include cooling and heating
systems, cryogenics, refrigeration, combustion, energy conversion, and thermal
Toxicology covers resources that focus on the identification, biochemistry, and
effects of harmful substances, including the side effects of drugs, in animals,
humans, and the environment.
Transplantation covers resources that focus on the assimilation of grafted
tissue and the reconstitution of removed organs or parts of organs. The
coverage focuses on transplantation procedures and the maintenance of
transplanted tissues or organs. Specific transplantation coverage focuses on
heart, lung, kidney, and bone marrow.
Transportation Science & Technology
Transportation Science & Technology covers resources on all aspects of the
movement of goods and peoples as well as the design and maintenance of
transportation systems. Topics covered in this category include logistics,
vehicular design and technology, and transportation science and technology.
Note: Resources that concentrate on transportation safety, policy, economics,
and planning appear under the TRANSPORTATION category in the SSCI.
Tropical Medicine
Tropical Medicine covers resources on the study and treatment of disease,
parasites, and other medical conditions unique to or originating in tropical
Urology & Nephrology
Urology & Nephrology covers resources on the diagnosis and treatment of
diseases of the genitourinary tract and kidneys. This category includes general
urology and nephrology as well as specialty resources on the prostate, dialysis
and other blood purification techniques, transplantation, and renal failure.
Veterinary Sciences
Veterinary Sciences covers resources concerning both the research and clinical
aspects of animal health, diseases, injuries, nutrition, reproduction, and
public health. This category includes materials on companion, farm, zoo, laboratory,
wild, and aquatic animals.
Virology includes resources dealing with all aspects of viral organisms and
host-virus interactions. Resources in this category cover the molecular,
biochemical, and cellular studies of plant-, animal-, and human-specific
viruses, as well as bacteriophages. This category also contains materials on
medical virology and pathogenesis and treatment of viral diseases.
Water Resources
Water Resources covers resources concerning a number of water-related topics.
These include desalination, ground water monitoring and remediation, hydrology,
irrigation and drainage science and technology, water quality, hydraulic
engineering, ocean and coastal management, river research and management,
waterways and ports.
Zoology covers resources concerning a broad range of topics on the study of
animals. This category ranges from animal behavior and animal physiology to
some aspects of animal ecology. The category does not include veterinary
medicine, ornithology, or most aspects of entomology.